Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Idea for Individual Service Project

Mrs. Dewes sent me a wonderful idea for a service project.  We will be a little busy with the holidays coming up, but I wanted to share this with you. 

The service project is called Operation Shoebox.  Operation Shoebox  is about  filling, wrapping and sending shoeboxes to our military troops for the Christmas season.  It will be held Sunday, November 14th, 2010 from 2pm. - 6pm.  at Faith Church 100 W. 81st Ave. Dyer, IN  46311.

You can use this as an individual service project for NJHS or just go to help out.   From what she heard, they need donations and people can volunteer all 4 hours or however long they can work.

Here are a couple of websites you can check out for info: