Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 14th Meeting

If you missed today's meeting, please see Miss Reiling before you leave for the summer. You need a copy of the agenda and a calendar. Also, if you missed, please bring in a note for your file.


The July 12th meeting is at the high school. The meeting is from 11:30 - 12:30 in the little theater. Please use the main back entrance when you arrive.

The August 16th meeting has been moved to the 9th. This will allow us to prepare better if we are helping with orientation before school starts. The meeting will be at the middle school from 11:30 - 12:30.

Candle orders were placed, but I have not received a date for delivery. As soon as I am told when they will be here, I will post the pick-up date. It will most likely be in the evening. If a teacher ordered a candle from a student, I will be placing the candle in the teacher's mailbox and notifying them that it is here if they would like to come pick it up. Thank you to parents and members for selling your hearts out!!!!

The polos also arrived today. I will be organizing everyone's orders and if I finish before the day is done, students will receive their orders tomorrow. If not, everything will be passed out at the July 12th meeting. If students do not want to carry their stuff home, I can hold on to it until the 12th.

We also took a vote for our officer placements. The positions have been filled by the following members:

Treasurer - Nathan Wornhoff and Jack DeValk
Historian - Cheyenne Pociask
Secretary - Randi Voorhies
Vice-President - Amy Bales
President - Brandon Cory