Friday, November 30, 2012

Krispy Kremes and Meetings

Krispy Kreme pick up as been moved to December 10th. If you have not turned in your donut money, Monday is the last day. I will post pick up procedures when we get closer to the 10th. Decembers all member meeting has been cancelled. Please check the blog for the rescheduled date. There will be an officer's meeting on December 13th until 3:45. Angel Tree shopping is scheduled for December 14th at 7:00pm. We will be meeting at the Target in St. John. I will post the list of top sellers who are eligible to go on Tuesday, December 4th. If you cannot attend, please let me know so I can ask the next eligible person. I will be sending you more detailed information the closer we get to the date. If you have any questions please let me know.